MAC (Accounting and Business Taxation)


MAC 8100 : Emerging Technologies

This course introduces the student to the use, of technology skills and data analytic applications, that are being used by today?s tax professionals. The course applies the integration of technology skills, and tax competencies that will enhance the student?s, comprehension and skillsets in all aspects of, taxation, including compliance and provision, effectiveness, tax process improvement, and tax, consulting and modeling. Students will receive, an overview of tax data analytics concepts and, components, and an overview of the basic approaches, to tax modeling.



MAC 8201 : Taxes & Business Strategy

Taxation from a planning and business - strategy perspective: tax-planning concepts, tax policy objectives, ethics, calculation of ROI, general rules for taxation of business income and deductibility of common business expenditures, organizational form decisions, tax and business issues related to formation of corporation and partnerships, taxation differences of different organizational forms, and basic issues in corporate taxation.



MAC 8203 : Adv Topic in Fin Rpting&Fraud

This course covers the advanced financial reporting issues with an emphasis on current and evolving issues on the agenda of the SEC and FASB. Topics include detecting financial statement fraud, fair value accounting, business combinations, derivatives and financial instruments, valuations of intangibles and special items, deferred tax accounting, cash flow manipulation, global financial reporting, and ethical financial reporting. RESTRICTED TO: MAC-Accounting Analytics Program.



MAC 8205 : Accounting Systems & Controls

This course focuses on understanding complex information systems in a large company setting. Students will learn to use ERP software (SAP), including designing in ERP system for a sample company. Students use the key SAP modules of Sales & Distribution (SD), Financial Accounting (FI) & Controlling (CO), Production Planning (PP), and Materials Management (MM). Significant emphasis is placed on understanding the controls needed over ERP systems for each application as well as the financial reporting process more generally. Students also use audit software to perform audit tests on the system. Cases and projects will be the primary pedagogical vehicle employed. RESTRICTED TO: MAC-Accounting Analytics Program.



MAC 8207 : Data:Models,Analysis & Visualz

This course prepares students to perform value-added data analysis on accounting data. It covers concepts and techniques in relational data models, analysis and visualizations. In the first half of the course students will learn to understand the data models supporting the auditing processes and perform structured data analysis on accounting data. Structural Query Language (SQL) will be introduced to analyze data stored in relational databases. Alteryx will be introduced to implement data analysis of complex and customized auditing procedures. This second half of the course will focus on data visualization principles and techniques. Students will gain understanding of how analysis results can be visualized to provide insight, learn the principles and techniques of data visualization for dashboards and reports, and develop skills of storytelling with data. QlickView will be used as a tool for building interactive visual applications and presentations.



MAC 8209 : Advanced Topics in Auditing

Emphasizes new developments in the auditing profession. Specific topics vary by year, but will focus on the impact of technology on the auditing process, auditing fraud, current pronouncements by the PCOB, and recent business developments which emphasize how changes in business risk impacts the auditing function. Recent developments in the auditing literature and topics under discussion by the PCAOB, FASB and AICPA will be emphasized.



MAC 8213 : Intro to Bus Analy&Multi Anlys

Industry leaders assert that the frontier for using data to drive business decisions has experienced a dramatic shift from basic statistical and data analysis to more sophisticated analytics techniques. Managers who have embraced this shift are experiencing dramatic results through techniques such as data mining and predictive modeling. The course begins with a brief grounding in basic quantitative methods (descriptive statistics and probability). From there we journey into more advanced analytics techniques to include data mining (classification and prediction, regression), and decision modeling (optimization and simulations). From start to finish the course will be 100% application based. Students will be presented with and have the ability to solve real- world problems faced in business today. These applications will help students better understand how analytics can the audit function. We will use Microsoft Excel extensively throughout the course. In addition to built-in Excel functionality (e.g. advanced pivot tables, etc.), we will use several Excel "add-ins" for various parts of the course. These include Excel Solver for solving deterministic optimization models, StatTools for statistics and regression, XL Miner for data mining, and @RISK for simulation. All of the add-ins come either with Excel or the textbooks and are easy to install and use. RESTRICTED TO: MAC-Accounting Analytics Program.



MAC 8215 : Data Mining

This course focuses on applications of data mining. Data mining is the process of selecting, exploring, and modeling large amounts of data to uncover previously unknown patterns in the data. Data mining techniques allow managers to fully exploit large data bases, identifying potentially actionable insighes to gain a greater understanding of the data. This understanding provides managers with strong support to help make critical decisions. Throughout the course students will gain an understanding of how managers use data mining techniques to transform large quantities of data into information to support tactical and strategic decisions, be exposed to applications of data mining techniques that support cross-functional applications to business, and become familar with SAS JMP Pro to help support the data mining process.



MAC 8217 : Accounting Analytics

This new course will cover the process associated with the use of data and analytics in the accounting profession, with opportunities to use applications that are relevant to accounting professionals.



MAC 8223 : Partnership Tax

This course addresses the tax treatment of partnerships and partners, problems associated with the formation, operation and dissolution of the partnership, sale of a partnership interest, termination, and retirement and death of a partner. Substantive issues discussed include definition of a partnership; a detailed analysis of the passthrough regime; the use of profit interests as compensation; discussion of section 704(b) allocation rules including special allocations of waterfall allocations in typical private equity funds; the impact of ordinary income assets, basis adjustments, and the treatment of partnership liabilities; application of 704(c) allocation approaches; transfers of interests, exchange agreements and redemptions; application of the disguised sale rules; and an overview of the new partnership audit procedures. The course explores the fundamental partnership tax concepts through a rigorous application of authorities to problems and reinforces the conceptual underpinnings of partnership and passthrough taxation principles through the integration and application of modeling techniques to be used for problem solving.



MAC 8225 : Advanced Tax Topics

This course addresses the financial accounting and reporting requirements related to the effects of income taxes that result from an entity's financial activities during the the current and preceding years, including merger and acquisition activities and international and state and local taxation impact, as prescribed by Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 740. Specific topics addressed in the course include calculation of total income tax for financial reporting purposes, recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities and the determination of a need for a valuation allowance, calculation and reconciliation of the effective tax rate, and footnote disclosure related to income taxes. The course also covers FASB Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes ("FIN48") and a variety of other topics and issues related to financial reporting of income taxes. The course reinforces the conceptual underpinnings of the relevant concepts through the integration and application of modeling techniques to be used for tax accounting analysis and problem solving.



MAC 8226 : State & Local Taxation

The State and Local Taxation course introduces the basic principles of state and local taxation and provides an overview of the substantive aspects of state tax laws in the areas of corporate income taxes and sales and use taxes. Topics include the evolving impact of nexus, various approaches to apportionment and allocation of taxable income, the difference between separate accounting and combined/unitary taxation, and the types of transaction subject to sales tax. The course integrates data analytics and technology with exercises incorporating the use of Alteryx, Data Visualization tools, and Excel.



MAC 8227 : International Tax

The course will address the principal elements of the U.S. taxation of international tranactions, including both the way in which individual and corporate foreign taxpayers are taxed in the United States (Inbound Taxation) and the way in which U.S. individual and corporate taxpayers are taxed on income earned in other countries (Outbound Taxation). The first half of the course will focus on inbound investment. Topics will include jurisdiction to tax, residency, character and source of income, structure for taxing passive and business income, and introduction to tax treaties. The second half of the course will focus on outbound investment. Topics will include anti-deferral provisions such as subpart F, foreign tax credits and credit limitation, introduction to taxation of outbound transfers of property, and the impact of transfer pricing rules and tax treaties. The course explores the fundamental concepts of international taxation through a rigorous application of authorities to problems and reinforces the conceptual underpinnings of international taxation principles through the integration and application of modeling techniques to be used for problem solving.



MAC 8228 : Tax Issues Mergers&Acq Trans

This course provides a broad overview of the tax consequences of buying and selling a business in corporate solution, whether an S or C corporation, and the impact to the buyers and sellers of an asset or a stock sale. Students will address multiple areas of concern of the buyer and seller such as the impact of Section 197 on purchased intangibles, whether a stock or asset sale is preferable, treating a stock acquisition like an asset acquisition for both federal and state tax purposes (Section 338 elections), and the impact of change of control on tax attributes such as NOLs.



MAC 8231 : Corporate Tax

This course considers the tax consequences associated with corporate-shareholder relationships while operating in the Subchapter C Corporation taxing regime. Problems of corporate formation, non-liquidating distributions, redemptions and partial liquidations, liquidating distributions, and tax considerations in the sale of the corporate business are covered. This course examines basics issues in the tax treatment of corporations and their shareholders, including: requirements for and tax consequences of corporate non-liquidating cash and property transactions, and the measurement of earnings and profits for characterizing distributions as taxable dividends; determining whether a corporate stock redemption qualifies for exchange treatment or is taxable as a dividend distribution; current and potential future tax consequences of distribution of additional shares to existing corporate shareholders; requirements for nontaxable liquidation of a controlled subsidiary corporation and the tax consequences of liquidation of a corporation that is not a controlled subsidiary; and the requirements for and tax consequences of an S corporation election. The course explores these fundamental corporate tax concepts through a rigorous application of authorities to problems and reinforces the learning through the integration of tax technology advancements and modeling techniques to provide a foundation for the advanced study of corporate taxation.



MAC 8300 : Negotiations

The objective of this course is to facilitate your becoming a more knowledgeable, effective and reflective negotiator. You will acquire a toolkit of negotiation approaches and principles, how to use those approaches and principles to improve outcomes, and practice being reflecting so that you are constantly seeking to improve your performance.



MAC 8301 : Perf Meas&Bus Risk Mgmt

An unprecedented array of economic, political and technological forces has changed the nature of business and the risks organizations face today. While traditional financial and integrated audits have served to identify and mitigate financial reporting and internal control risk, audit methodologies are rapidly evolving and broadening to address information age risks associated with globalization, emerging business models, intangible assets, value chain automation and increasing complex management reward systems. Therefore, it is critical that auditors more thoroughly understand enterprise and business process risk and client incentives related to performance measurement. This course examines contemporary performance measurement and risk management frameworks, associated regulatory reporting requirements, and timely case examples. RESTRICTED TO MAC-Accounting Analytics Program.



MAC 8302 : Specl Topics in Acct Analytics

This course will help students master the basics of accounting analytics, and will also introduce case-based methods to practice using analytical skills and tools. The cases will be based on real business problems faced by companies today, and students will develop a project management process for identifying business solutions.



MAC 8303 : Valuation Issues in Acct

Explores emerging and controversial issues in financial accounting and the valuation of firms. Using case studies and actual financial statements, students are exposed to valuation issues with an emphasis on how financial data is used when calculating firm value. Aspects of financial statements and topics include: leases, pensions, stock options, goodwill deferred income taxes, and derivatives.



MAC 8305 : Ethical Issues in the Acct Env

Examines the role of accountants as professionals and public servants in consideration to specific ethical obligations. Using practical applications, industry-specific guidelines, and ethical theory, students formulate intellectually coherent responses to challenges that accountants face on a daily basis and learn why moving beyond the realm of compliance to ethics is necessary to develop and reinforce the public trust and to fulfill professional obligations.



MAC 8307 : Adv Bus & Technical Writing

Designed to help writers develop advanced planning, writing and research skills germane to professional writing, with special attention to skills specifically used in the field of accounting. Utilizing a reader-centered approach, course reading and writing activities focus on the techniques involved in the technical writing process. Defining purpose, format selection and planning, drafting and revising effective communications in varied formats. Reflects the variety of professional writing experiences that learners typically encounter in a business setting.



MAC 8329 : Tax Research, Policy & Ethics

This course introduces the students to the various sources of tax authority, both primary and secondary, and various research methodologies, techniques, and practices, including the application of internet-based research, used for in-depth analysis of tax issues. Students will examine the tax policy, economic impact and political considerations underlying tax legislation, and will develop and enhance their writing skills, with emphasis on analytical reasoning and communication of conclusions. The course will also provide a framework to address common ethical issues confronting today's tax practitioners, focusing collectively on guidance from Treasury Department Circular No. 230, AICPA Standards of Tax Practice and the Internal Revenue Code's penalty provisions.



MAC 8341 : Digital Acct Experience Part 1

These courses will address a market need and skillset shortage related to individuals with the combination of business, analytics, and technology skills along with accounting and tax capabilities. This capstone program will bring together learning modules from other courses and help build upon skillset related to teamwork business communication, analytics, data visualization, automation, and leadership. The program will also benefit students by allowing them to work with companies on real-world business problems, provide them visibility to potential alternate career path options, and provide potential future employers additional visibility to MAC students.



MAC 8342 : Digital Acct Experience Part 2

These courses will address a market need and skillset shortage related to individuals with the combination of business, analytics, and technology skills along with accounting and tax capabilities. This capstone program will bring together learning modules from other courses and help build upon skillset related to teamwork business communication, analytics, data visualization, automation, and leadership. The program will also benefit students by allowing them to work with companies on real-world business problems, provide them visibility to potential alternate career path options, and provide potential future employers additional visibility to MAC students.

