MSF (Finance)


MSF 8000 : MSF Orientation

This course provides an introduction to the Masters of Science in Finance Program and the necessary knowledge and skills required to successfully matriculate the Program.

MSF 8200 : Negotiations

This brief course is designed to help you better understand the theory, processes, and practice of negotiation and conflict resolution. Afterwards, you should be a more effective negotiator and problem-solver in a wide variety of situations.



MSF 8600 : Foundations of Finance

Tools of financial decision-making including time value of money, bond and equity valuation, risk and return, asset pricing, capital budgeting, financing decisions and cost of capital, and dividend policy.



MSF 8603 : Valuation

Focus is major valuation models and techniques used to determine intrinsic and relative values of business entities and assets. Emphasizes application of models and techniques to real world situations. Pre-requisite: FIN 1113 or equivalent.



MSF 8610 : Financial Markets & Inst

An advanced, graduate-level course surveying the key topics and inter-relationships between financial markets, financial institutions, and market microstructure design. Students will apply the theories learned in this course to numerous problems facing today's financial institutions and markets.




MSF 8510 and MSF 8605

MSF 8612 : Fixed Income Markets

Introduction to fixed income markets and securities. Techniques of valuation, interest rate determination and modeling, interest rate risk management, and bond portfolio management and strategies. Restricted to MSF Students.




MSF 8615 : Derivatives & Risk Management

A comprehensive introduction to the markets for options, forwards, futures, swaps, and other related derivative instruments. The course is designed to develop an understanding of how derivatives markets operate, how derivatives are priced, and how they are used.




MSF 8510 and MSF 8605

MSF 8620 : Investment Banking

A survey course in corporate finance with applications to investment banking. It develops an understanding of fundamental concepts and theories in finance and applies them to a wide range of practical business problems including those related to the financial services industry.




MSF 8520 and MSF 8610 and MSF 8640 and MSF 8615

MSF 8632 : Fund. of Financial Statements

The objective of the course is to help students understand and critically analyze the primary financial statements of a firm. This includes understanding the interrelationships between the three main financial statements and key financial ratios that can be obtained from them. Provides a basic understanding of accounting transactions; and an understanding of critical accounting concepts. Provides familiarity with 10-K statements including footnote disclosuresb.




MSF 8603, MSF 8605

MSF 8640 : Portfolio Theory & Applic.

A hands-on class where students manage real-dollar portfolios using various investment styles. Graduate students provide the operational management of the funds while undergraduates are the analysts. All students are members of the investment committee that makes all investment decisions. Each fund must be managed in compliance with its investment policy statement. Open to qualified MBA students who have met the following prerequisites: MBA 8401 and MBA 8410 with a grade of B+ or higher earned in both courses.




MSF 8510 and MSF 8605

MSF 8641 : Portfolio Theory & Applic. II

A hands-on class where students manage real-dollar portfolios using various investment styles. Graduate students provide the operational management of the funds while undergraduates are the analysts. All students are members of the investment committee that makes all investment decisions. Each fund must be managed in compliance with its investment policy statement. Restricted to MSF Students.





MSF 8612, MSF 8625, MSF 8630

MSF 8645 : Quant Meth in FIN Using Python

Examination of contemporary issues and topics which relate to development in the field of finance. Topics vary from semester to semester and will be announced prior to registration. Pre-requisites vary depending on topic offered



MSF 8646 : Special Topics in Finance

This course examines contemporary issues and topics of current importance and interest to the field of finance. Examples include Alternative investments, International Finance, as well as other important subject areas in finance. Topics will be announced prior to registration.




MSF 8603 and MS 8605 and MSF 8610 and MSF 8615 and MSF 8620 and MSF 8632 and MSF 8640

MSF 8650 : Prof. Development Program I

Topics cover the many facets of the process of career decision-making and goal-setting process, and adopt the positive understanding that career planning is a lifelong process; students gain knowledge of how to articulate skills and talents in a way that employers value.



MSF 8651 : Prof. Development Program II

Topics cover the many facets of the process of career decision-making and goal-setting process, and adopt the positive understanding that career planning is a lifelong process; students gain knowledge of how to articulate skills and talents in a way that employers value.



MSF 9000 : Thesis

Student will explore the Black-Schole option pricing model to generate market estimates of a stock's volatility. This implied volatility will be used to forecast future volatility in the stock returns.




MSF 8640 and MSF 8615 and MSF 8610 and MSF 8520 and MSF 8641 and MSF 8630 and MSF 8625 and MSF 8620