The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides that certain information from student records is “Directory Information” and may be released without the consent of the student, unless the student indicates that they do NOT wish such information released. In accordance with the Act, Villanova University hereby gives notice that the following shall be considered “Directory Information” and may, at the discretion of the Registrar’s Office, be made public without the student’s consent:

  • student’s name, address, telephone number; date and place of birth;
  • major field of study;
  • dates of attendance, degrees and awards received;
  • the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student; and
  • other similar information.

An individual may request that any or all of the above information be kept confidential, except that such information may be released in accordance with other provisions of law. Students wishing to keep any or all of the above information confidential must inform the Registrar’s Office in writing at the time that the office originally seeks the information.